Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm sitting on the floor of the studio in Poblenou, Barcelona, where I am working with two brilliant artists Charlie Harjulin (director, visionnaire extraordinaire, camera man) and Margarita Leonore (filmmaker, art director, master puppeteer/puppetmaker). We are making a music video for a new song of mine, Traces Upon Your Face, and my role is to be a volunteer assistant: helping out with lighting, simple puppeteering, props and filming the "Making Of" on an iPhone. Charlie and Margarita are filming a scene as I write this, and I'm taking a short break to share this experience with you, and to press it into my own memory in writing. I don't know if I need any help in that department actually... This is bound to be, and already is an utterly unforgettable experience.

Sidenote: my song has been playing in the background constantly for the two days that I've spent here. So far it has apparently played 369 times (!!!) on Charlie's computer. This takes some dedication, people...!

Despite the fact that I'm in Barcelona for the first time and won't be able to do much of the classic tourist-stuff here due to being at the studio from morning to evening, I do not feel the least bit deprived. I consider it such a privilege to be able to witness and to assist in the extraordinary work that Charlie and Margarita are doing. Together they have created a magical, haunted forest on top of a square surface supported by three tables; all materials found on the street and in local nature. In that enchanted forest, a curious yet timid puppet we have collectively named Miloลก, experiences a number of disturbing incidents that test his courage and his will. Judging by the footage created so far, this is to be a very special and emotional video.

I love that the music that I currently make lends itself to such beautiful artistic interpretation. I also love that this project gives me the chance to connect with my friend Charlie, who I've known ever since I was 5 years old. Once upon a time we were childhood sweethearts! It is heartening to find an artistic kindred spirit after all these years of knowing each other.

There are moments when I feel especially grateful for having kept treading my path--this is one of them. To work with other artists on such a high level is inspiring and fulfilling in a way that I had never imagined. I eagerly await to share with you the finished product some time in the coming months!

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